What is Crystal Therapy?

Crystal therapies are a range of holistic, non-invasive techniques that harnesses the energy stored with the crystal to balance and harmonise the energy in the body. The session is carried out by placing specific crystals across and around your fully clothed body. Crystals hold and conduct energy that can be beneficial, energising and have healing effects. The crystals work like tuning forks and they bring the energy of a body suffering from dis-ease or dis-harmony back into a state of harmony and balance. Crystals work energetically so they can be beneficial to aid physical, emotional, mental and spiritual wellbeing.

How do Crystals work?

There are many explanations as to why crystal healing works but proving it scientifically is difficult, at some future point science may be advanced enough to do this but they can’t yet. Although the healing aspect cannot yet be proven, science and technology do recognise the benefits and uses of crystals, which today are found in computer chips, quartz watches and lasers to name but a few. Crystals have been used throughout the centuries by many cultures across the world including the Pharaohs of ancient Egypt, the ancient Greeks, Chinese and Indian cultures and for many differing reasons.

My take on it is that I don’t need to be able to understand something to be able to use it and my example is, I personally have no idea whatsoever how an aeroplane works but I get on in Manchester and I get off in Greece, I don’t know how it does it, but it does, so I’m using it. Same applies for crystal healing treatments.


crystal energy healing

Crystal are used to clean and clear the human energy field and then to re-energise and balance the energy.

(price £35 per session)


chakra balancing

Chakra balancing is one of the treatments available to realign the energy in your body, bringing you back into balance.

(price £35 per session)


crystal grids and distance healing

Crystal grids and distance healing can have beneficial effects to your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual wellbeing. These sessions do not need you to attend a session in person.

(price £25 per session)



(prices range to £35-£55 per session)


Get in touch to discuss what else is available

(prices are depending on treatment and are available on request)